Pre Standard

990 1 230 

KIT: 990 €
Final: 1.230 €

A stillabs stereo preamplifier with relay volume control.

Four inputs, relay attenuators, superb channel matching. Audiophile sound, minimum crosstalk, great localisation. Also available in passive version.

Number of inputs 4
Input gain setting +- 24 dB
User programmable input names
Volume units selectable dB / numbers
Selectable DC / Impulse Trigger
Configurable Mute (Off, -15, -20, -25, -30 dB)
Selectable RC-5 remote address

Input impedance 100 kOhm
Output impedance 5 Ohm
THD+N @1kHz < 0.004 %
THD @1kHz < 0.0008 %
Frequency response 10 Hz – 40 kHz (-1 dB)
Volume step 1 dB
Maximum attenuation 83 dB
Voltage gain 12 dB

Kit Contains:
Assembled modules DRC
2x F-Buffer
2x HUPS2
Cables and Accessories Enclosure Kit

Remote not included